

Nutritional Information
It contains very few carbohydrates 8.5%, 2% of proteins and 2.5% of fiber. These are the contributions of 100 grams of avocado in the recommended daily intake: Vitamin K: 25 %. Vitamin C: 17 %. Folic acid: 20 %. Vitamin B5: 14 %. B6: 13 %. Vitamin E: 10 % and Potassium: 14 %.

Avocado is very rich in good fats, most of them are monounsaturated. It is full of vegetable oils such as oleic acid and a good amount of Omega 3. This set of fats is what gives it its high caloric value. The amount of potassium it contains favors the good functioning of the muscular system. In addition, magnesium and vitamin B6 favor the nervous system. Besides magnesium, it also contains small amounts of: Manganese, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, vitamin A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin).